Hello reader.
Never in a million years could I have imagined myself starting this blog.
Well, part of that’s true. I’ve imagined it for many years, but it’s always felt out of my grasp - stuck in the murky unknown until now.
What’s changed?
I recently heard the quote “do it scared”. To many who’ve observed me live this past year, on the surface it looks as though this has been my mantra - my way of living. As I type this, I am picturing a montaged short film of myself this past year, and I would agree that I look strong, fearless, and powerful. I was, and I am. Yet watching is different than feeling. It has not always felt that way. While I’ve made a lot of decisions this year from a place of courage instead of fear; in the pursuit of happiness and living my life in a way I authentically want to live it, I can still feel fear’s sticky hands gripping me, trying to control my every move. I want to live with fear in the backseat. It’s allowed in the car but not in the driver’s seat. Starting this blog is a way for me to “do it scared”, and to continue to challenge myself to live my life the way I want - in spite of my fear, not because of it.
So here I am. Starting this blog. It will be a sandbox. A space for me to create, play, learn and explore topics I’m interested in. I’m excited to share the process with you reader - as I navigate my life in this world. This is a project for me, and I can’t wait to see how it evolves.
This is me, “doing it scared”.
So here I am. Sydney Whipple, age 26.
Beginner blogger, experimental artist, writer, speaker, adventurer, creator and more - sharing my process with you as I hope to gain some perspective along the way.
Welcome to this space Sydney. Welcome to this space reader.
With goosebumps and a flutter in my chest that indicates that this is just outside of my comfort zone, I grow as a human and hit publish.